
Tuesday, 6 December 2011

Tweak-7 1.0 Build 1125 Portable

Tweak-7 - this is a tweaker for tweaking, optimizing, tuning Windows 7 operating system, as well as its partial elements of the interface, due to changes in certain parameters (both closed and inaccessible to the user, present deep in the registry and not only) .

Tweak-7 is a brand new development of the company «TotalIdea Software» is the "little brother" of his predecessors, «Tweak-XP Pro» Windows XP and «TweakVI» for Windows Vista, which has inherited all their opportunities, and acquired a new, details can customize the interface elements of the new Windows 7 operating system or to optimize its operation to speed up and handle the important critical system options.

Of intelligent systems and utilities built-in tweaker, can be identified such as the automatic optimizer for hardware, software, disk defragmenter, registry cleaner and hard disk tool to view detailed data about your hardware configuration and your hardware, modules, updates or konroliruyuschie governing all restore points and several others.

Tweak-7 was designed as his predecessors, in order to open and combine the many secrets of Microsoft Windows and functions in one program that fully relieve the user of routine manual work and a long search, the necessary keys and values ​​in the registry Windows, climbing on their "shoulders" all efforts to set up parameters for many of these tips are included that provide a brief description. All utilities tweaks "incarcerated" only under Windows 7 and will not work in Windows XP or Windows Vista.

Among its features is to provide:
Update management system, delete old restore points;
The module for cleaning and defragmenting the registry;
Module for management limitations of software and systems;
Displays detailed information about the system;
The module for cleaning the hard drive;
Modules to optimize memory, CPU and speed of Internet connections;
Module RAM Disk Drive Driver, which allows you to use up to 256 MB of RAM.

Changes in version 1.0 Build 1125:
Several changes to the setup related to a wrong OS detection
Multiple improvements of the main tweaking engine
Code optimizations and other improvements

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